Sunday school

Photo of children drawing

Sundays during school terms during the 9am family services at St George's.

We also have a corner of our church available for your children to play or retreat with toys and activities.

mainly music

Monday and Tuesday groups during school term 9.30am - from birth to school age.

Children are introduced to music, creativity and more, plus families are given a chance to think about the God-part of life. The cost is $5 per family per session. Held at St. George’s hall, on the corner of Thorne Road and Victor St, Birkdale.

For booking enquiries, please contact us.

Messy church

Messy Church is an all-age fun way to experience church that involves being creative, celebrating together and getting messy!

The next Messy Church session will be listed on our events page when it is scheduled, or contact us for details.