Ascension Day

From the locum

The Ascension of Jesus which we celebrate this morning is a peculiar day in the Christian calendar. Some people might still imagine we live in a three-story universe—heaven above, earth between, hell below—but few people believe that if you get into a space ship and fly far enough, you'll find a place called "heaven."

What are we to make of Jesus' Ascension? Of course, it's not out of the question that Jesus defied gravity, but is that the real point? Is the Ascension about gravity or spirituality, geography or vocation? Acts 1:1-11 describes the Ascending Christ. First, the disciples quiz him about the fulfillment of history, the restoration of Israel. Jesus' response is purposely vague, and still remains good counsel for those who seek a precise date for judgment day or the fulfillment of history. "It is not for you to know the times or periods." Rather, we are to await the coming of God's Spirit and the missional power that comes from encountering the Holy, whether in the 1st or 21st centuries. Finished with his counsel, Jesus is lifted up, and the disciples are left gazing into the heavens until an angel admonishes, "Why do you stand looking toward heaven?" The angel promises Jesus' ultimate return, but that's not the point. The point is that the disciples' mission and our own is right here—in our time and place and on our planet, not some far off sphere.

Fr Michael