Pentecost 4

From our locum

God looks beyond appearances to see the human heart. God goes beyond the superficial to see beauty hidden in geodes and wonders in a small seed. A child’s lunch can feed a multitude. A persecutor can become the leading voice for a global faith. There is more to be found in every person and situation, and congregation. Amid the concrete limitations of life, there is more than meets the eye. The parables from Mark 4 that are part of today’s Gospel describe the surprising growth of God’s realm. Small is not only beautiful, it can also be powerful and life-transforming. The smallest of seeds can become a great plant giving shelter to the birds. The broadcast of seeds, falling everywhere, is the precursor to a great harvest. All of today’s readings inspire us to see the divine energy and insight present in unexpected places. We look beyond the obvious to discover God moving in unlikely persons and situations. In all things God works for good and though the seeds God’s realm often appear to be precarious and unimportant – infinitesimal – a great harvest and great possibilities are on the horizon for those who see from a God’s eye view, the eyes of faith, and bring forth great things from small beginnings. Fr Michael