Pentecost 8

From the locum

This Sunday, as our Gospel reading recalls the martyrdom of John the Baptist, we are remembering someone who was called by God to deliver a message and who took this mission very seriously.

John appeared in the desert with a new and radical message; the long awaited and promised Messiah was coming; get ready and prepare for him. John was only the messenger; he himself was not the Messiah. His role was to point to Jesus, to lead people to Jesus and to prepare people for Jesus. John was the messenger in time; Jesus is the Word for eternity.

As one gospel tells us, John gave his life ‘to testify to the light.’ By his own estimation, he was not worthy to touch the sandals of Jesus. John also gave his life as he prepared a way for the Lord. As John reminded the people of the promise God made to them, he also challenged the way they were living and treating each other. They had broken the covenant God made with them. The role of the prophet is to preach the word of God without fear and without compromise. Countless men and women are modern John the Baptists. They challenge us and they too point and lead us to Jesus.

More than likely, none of us will be asked to give our lives for the gospel. But we are all asked to be messengers by God. Each of us is asked to live, share and proclaim the good with courage and conviction. We are called to live a prophetical life. We are to be inspired, encouraged and challenged by John the Baptist; prophet and messenger of God.

Fr Michael